A stellar experience. One of my final doses of the city, alone, in the company of strangers. I'm strange. It was perfect, a good fix. It was like I stumbled into a field of 4 leaf clovers, but better yet... Doug Martsch playing a live jam session near used boxed sets at a pre-eminent, rad music store. At the Electric Fetus, it was more than just ambient sound, but in every which way electrifying. A guitar, an amp, a couple pedals, a chair, a musical deity, and a pair of new balances.
Doug Martsch, of Built to Spill, told a 4 song story with no words. It was like he jammed with himself by starting out with an initial strum, recording it, and building upon it with complementary musical riffs and solos. The more he delved, the more the story unfolded. Like a bizarre dream on the verge of a nightmare. Layers upon layers of distinct, harmonic sound, but all from his guitar. Like the frets on the fingerboard were his mouse, and he knew photoshop better than its creators. Distorted sound, like a lucid dream. I closed my eyes to heighten my sense of hearing... I didn't want to wake up.
I wanna see it when you find out what comets, stars, and moons are all about... I wanna see their faces turn to backs of heads and slowly get smaller... I wanna see it now...