This is why Topshop is one of my RTW faves.. conceptually witty, constructively ingenious, unexpectedly sexy. Unique RTW Fall 2010 collection. I heart Animals, and you should too.. so join me in this faux trend.
I feel I have an elusive mind. I feel like a little float, a little fly. I feel fine. You feel fine. We feel fine. Life gets better, love is stellar. Collectively, let's unwind..
Back on the BC, back to the sea, and back to happy harmony. Come enjoy the ride, and leave the BS behind. We'll wake up the day, and chase the horizon at sunset, oh be mine. Just you for you, me for me, and life will be..
"Do not ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."
Today I was deeply inspired, and I felt my heart in a good place. Walk steady, I'm gonna spark a major change someday. So, 'Let us enjoy breathing together..' -Thich Nhat Hanh